
How to check birth registration cards online


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How to check birth registration cards online in Bangladesh. The birth registration card is important for any person in any country. Currently, fake birth registration and ID card rushing so anyone’s birth certificate can be easily checked online.

How to check birth registration cards online in Bangladesh

Our government working on making everything digital and giving countrymen ease of access in their personal things such as Birth certificate, National Identity card, Passport, Driving license, etc.

How to check birth registration cards online in Bangladesh
How to check birth registration cards online in Bangladesh

How to check :

To check birth registration, you must have a 17-digit registration number and date of birth in hand.

Now you need to visit this site Online birth and death registration

From there, click on the required link and enter the 17 digit birth registration number and date of birth and get detailed information. If any information is incorrect or incomplete, then “Matching birth records not found” will be written.

If you need any help you can ask anytime and we will help you. You can also search in YouTube by How to check Bangladesh Birth certificate.

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